City officials hosted a community forum last night, Tuesday, Dec. 17, to unveil and take public comments on the design for the new West Ashley Senior Center.
Last week, Liollio Architecture presented its plans for the new building to be located on the campus of Bon Secours St. Francis Hospital to the city’s Design and Review Board.
The board received the plans with little comments, which could signify the plans are very close to what the city plans to build and fund.
Tuesday’s public meeting was held at the John Wesley United Methodist Church on Savannah Highway.
Bill Turner, senior construction project manager for the city in its Capital Projects, Department of Parks, said that the city would likely authorize the architects to proceed into construction documents shortly.
Turner said City Council would not have to approve anything until the city has a construction contract in hand. He added that bidding is expected to begin in the spring, with construction starting in mid-summer.
The project is expected to take 14 months to construct.