MVPs of the Pandemic

MVPs of the Pandemic

Members of the West Ashley community are going above the call of duty to help us get through uncertain times by Bill Davis | News Editor Some workers in West Ashley have proven themselves beyond “essential” by making our lives better, saner, and a bit like they used...

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Local Leaders Stand with Israel

Local and state leaders and legislators hosted the Stand with Israel Rally Sunday, Aug. 17 at Synagogue Emanu-El on Sam Rittenberg Boulevard to show support for the state of Israel in its current violent conflict with Hamas and the Palestinian government in Gaza. An...

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Read it in the Personals

Researching and writing this West Ashley Flashback column has helped uncover a wealth of stories of the early 20th century history of St. Andrew’s Parish. At the end of each of these West Ashley Flashback columns is published the e-mail address for readers to...

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Mug Shots

The following were taken from actual incident reports filed last week by the City of Charleston Police Department. These are not convictions and the names of businesses, complainants, and suspects have been left off to protect the innocent. All suspects are  innocent...

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A Candid Chat With T-Rav

Thomas Ravenel is a lot of things. He's the former Treasurer for the state of South Carolina. He's a former felon — indicted on federal cocaine distribution charges. He's a bonafide reality TV star for his role on Bravo's Southern Charm. And now at 52 years old, he's...

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Mother Nature Goes Cow Tipping

It was a dark and stormy night. The wind was howling, and the rain was coming down in buckets. It was the kind of night a cow and its carton could get separated. On Saturday, Aug. 9, something came … unhinged. In this part of town, trees along nearby ditches let loose...

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Public Input Needed For Park Plan

The Charleston County Park and Recreation Commission (CCPRC) will host a second public meeting and workshop about the future of the agency’s property located near the Limehouse Bridge. This piece of land, located in the Stono River between West Ashley and Johns...

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Mug Shots

The following were taken from actual incident reports filed last week by the City of Charleston Police Department. These are not convictions and the names of businesses, complainants, and suspects have been left off to protect the innocent. All suspects are  innocent...

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What's In A Name?

There’s something vaguely familiar about West Ashley High School’s new principal, William Runyon; something that hearkens back to his predecessor, Mary Runyon. It’s not the hair: his is shaved black stubble, hers a shock of white. She’s married to local attorney Bill...

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Mug Shots

The following were taken from actual incident reports filed last week by the City of Charleston Police Department. These are not convictions and the names of businesses, complainants, and suspects have been left off to protect the innocent. All suspects are  innocent...

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Are We Being Put on the Back Burner?

It had been close to six weeks since City Hall revisited its plan to revitalize Citadel Mall and the Sam Rittenberg commercial corridor, and some are getting itchy to find out what’s next. Earlier this year, Mayor Joseph P. Riley Jr. tasked his planning and economic...

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