The Final Countdown
With City of Charleston residents going to the polls to elect a new mayor on Tuesday, Nov. 3, the six candidates for the city’s top seat will have two chances to reach the ever-import West Ashley voters this week. First a mayoral candidate forum will be held on...
Mug Shots
The following were taken from actual incident reports filed last week by the City of Charleston Police Department. These are not convictions and the names of businesses, complainants, and suspects have been left out to protect the innocent. All suspects are innocent...
Future Homemakers of America
What’s an iconic symbol representative of St. Andrew’s Parish West Ashley in the early 20th century? This was the dilemma posed when deciding the appropriate picture for the cover of “West Ashley” published by Arcadia Publishing in 2012. The Coburg Cow? The large neon...
Mug Shots
The following were taken from actual incident reports filed last week by the City of Charleston Police Department. These are not convictions and the names of businesses, complainants, and suspects have been left out to protect the innocent. All suspects are innocent...
Know Your Candidates (Part 5 of 6)
This is the fifth in a several-week series of profiles of the six candidates to succeed Joe Riley as mayor of Charleston. The candidates are Ginny Deerin, W. Dudley Gregorie, Toby Smith, Leon Stavrinakis, John Tecklenburg, and Maurice Washington. Toby Smith is a...
A Good Hair Day
Local salon owner and hairdresser Jamie Brunson Millard has been fighting bad hairstyle in the Charleston area for more than 20 years. But lately she’s been in a much bigger fight. A much more personal fight. In 2013 the vibrant wife and mother of two was diagnosed...
Bagging A National Company
West Ashley may very soon become a nirvana for grocery stores. Not bad, considering that not too long ago the swath of land between Orleans and Savage roads was on the verge of being declared a “food desert” by the federal government. Everywhere you turn these days, a...
Know Your Candidates
This is the fourth in a several-week series of profiles of the six candidates to succeed Joe Riley as mayor of Charleston. The candidates are Ginny Deerin, W. Dudley Gregorie, Toby Smith, Leon Stavrinakis, John Tecklenburg, and Maurice Washington. Maurice Washington...
Lace Up Your Running Shoes
The 6th Annual Avondale 5K Run + Walk for Special Kids takes place this Saturday, Oct. 10, benefitting The Charles Webb Center. The Avondale 5K is the 6th largest 5K in Charleston and the only one in West Ashley. Last year’s race welcomed more than 500 participants...
Mug Shots
The following were taken from actual incident reports filed last week by the City of Charleston Police Department. These are not convictions and the names of businesses, complainants, and suspects have been left out to protect the innocent. All suspects are innocent...