West Ashley’s ‘Palace’

West Ashley’s ‘Palace’

Proposed convention center could sharply improve inside 526 by Bill Davis | News Editor It is hard for a reporter to describe D.E. “Jimmy” Palassis’s plan to build a massive hotel/convention center in West Ashley without making a “palace” pun. This thing is going to...

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Mug Shots

The following were taken from actual incident reports filed last week by the City of Charleston Police Department. These are not convictions and the names of businesses, complainants, and suspects have been left out to protect the innocent. All suspects are  innocent...

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Primary Objective

Local voters have four choices of which flavor of Republican candidate they want to replace the retiring state Sen. Paul Thurmond in the Statehouse. Because no Democrat candidate emerged to run for the District 41 seat, June 14 Republican primary will be the de facto...

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Service Above Self

“If you ever feel like you are losing faith in the youth in America today, I recommend that you serve on [St. Andrew’s Rotary Club] Scholarship Committee,” said Shawn Flannigan, who is vice chairman of the Scholarship Committee for the West Ashley-based civic group....

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Memories That Can’t Be Extinguished

Infrastructure. The word doesn’t evoke the same warm community emotion as planting trees, landscaping neighborhoods, building schools, establishing service clubs, or putting the spires on churches. But the basic infrastructures of fire service, police protection,...

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Mug Shots

The following were taken from actual incident reports filed last week by the City of Charleston Police Department. These are not convictions and the names of businesses, complainants, and suspects have been left out to protect the innocent. All suspects are  innocent...

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West Ashley's Art Scene Evolves

It looks like everyone wants to get into the act, as several local groups have joined with City Hall’s recent effort to expand and strengthen arts programming in West Ashley. For years, the Charleston arts’ spotlight has been trained on the peninsula, with its...

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Living History Comes To Magnolia

Last weekend visitors to Magnolia Plantation and Gardens experienced history with period-dressed “living historians” as they told stories and presented craft and cooking demonstrations to mark a time when enslaved Africans labored in America. The Slave Dwelling...

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Mug Shots

The following were taken from actual incident reports filed last week by the City of Charleston Police Department. These are not convictions and the names of businesses, complainants, and suspects have been left out to protect the innocent. All suspects are  innocent...

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The Never Ending Mile

If progress is a double-edged sword, then West Ashley’s Motor Mile is definitely a two-lane street. Actually, it’s less than three miles long, starting at Baker Motor’s Maserati showroom, and running up past Lexus of Charleston’s lot to Church Creek. And, to be even...

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Swap ’Til You Drop

Spring has sprung in the Lowcountry and with each sunny day we inch a little closer toward that innevitable, annual closet clean-out  — a tradition shared equally by both rich and poor, young and old, small and large. Instead of donating or sending those clothes to...

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