Honoring a Life of Service

Honoring a Life of Service

Charleston mourns the loss of Police Chief Luther Reynolds from Staff Reports On Wednesday, May 17, Charleston Police Chief Luther Reynolds announced to the public that he had made the decision to stop his cancer treatments and enter hospice care after two years of...

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A Flood of Concern

Flooded homeowner after flooded homeowner went before City Council last week to ask for help fighting the continuously rising water in their Bridgepointe neighborhood. Council met last week at Grace on the Ashley Baptist Church on Bees Ferry Road. The special meeting...

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Behind The Curtain

Because it’s a Presidential election year, there will be more mudslinging than normal, more partisan bickering than ever, and more of a threat of voter fraud. There will also be more activity at the polling stations and thus a need for more volunteers than a normal...

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Facing the Weather

Resilient. There’s not a better adjective to describe this community. The ability to withstand difficult conditions has been constantly tested over time during each hurricane season. The impact of Matthew’s recent visit to town will be the subject of many stories for...

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Mug Shots

The following were taken from actual incident reports filed last week by the City of Charleston Police Department. These are not convictions and the names of businesses, complainants, and suspects have been left out to protect the innocent. All suspects are  innocent...

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Storm Troopers

After pummeling Haiti, The Bahamas, and the east cost of Florida, Hurricane Matthew huffed and he puffed but was relatively kind to the Lowcountry other than knocking out power to more than 750,000 homes in South Carolina, flooding in some areas, beach erosion, and...

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It’s Hammer Time

Early last year when Charleston True Value hardware store on Wappoo Road shuttered it’s doors after half a century in business, many in West Ashley mourned. Not only was it closer for a lot of people than dueling big box home improvement giants Lowes and Home Depot,...

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Mug Shots

September 28 INJURED PARTY For the second time in a week, police responded to the same room at a Savannah Highway hotel where the same man had apparently overdosed on heroin, again. Police entered the room and found the man lying motionless but breathing facedown on...

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All for Stono and Stono for All!

It’s been two weeks since the Charleston County School District changed its mind and decided it would rebuild Stono Park Elementary, and still the mood is celebratory when the Ladies of DuWapp get together. Even though only one of them, Latoya Bennett, actually has...

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Oh How Sweet It Was

A sweet little spot opened at the intersection of Savannah Highway and Magnolia Road on Friday June 29, 1934. Milton Jones, the proprietor invited his “many friends” to visit the Sugar Bowl for refreshing drinks, ice cream, delicious sandwiches and beer. “It’s the...

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A Trip to the Country Store

Country stores defined centers of activity in rural and early suburban areas in America. Often on the corners of major thoroughfares or positioned along major roads, they were the opportunity to add a few staples to the home, run into a neighbor, or exchange some...

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