West Ashley Year-In-Review 2023

West Ashley Year-In-Review 2023

After two years of being in a pandemic-induced funk, West Ashley got its groove back in 2023 by Jenny Peterson | Staff Writer Leading into 2024, West Of Free Press took a look back at some of West Ashley’s biggest announcements, news, and shakeups from 2023. What lies...

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Who’s Got the Principal’s Back?

On Monday, a busload of concerned West Ashley High School parents went downtown to join an even larger protest at 75 Calhoun St., to stop their principal, Lee Runyon, from being run-off. WAHS moms and dads accompanied by their kids went to the headquarters of the...

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West Ashley Bank Robber Charged With More Crimes

A 20-year-old Hollywood man already charged with robbing a West Ashley bank last week, now faces additional armed robbery charges. At about 1 a.m. on May 1, a man was robbed in the parking lot of his apartment complex on Bonieta Harrold Drive. The victim was unloading...

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Mug Shots

The following were taken from actual incident reports filed last week by the City of Charleston Police Department. These are not convictions and the names of businesses, complainants, and suspects have been left out to protect the innocent. All suspects are  innocent...

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Planning West Ashley’s Future

Hundreds and hundreds … and hundreds of West Ashley residents filled the first two community input meetings last week that could help shape the future of this part of town. Hosted by the city, the meetings were the first step of what has been named Plan West Ashley, a...

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West Ashley Flashback

Guest Homes. Motor Courts. Cabins. Motels. Tourism has always been a major element in the local economy. The list of establishments that decorated Savannah Highway is a testament to this fact. This was once the main route for tourists moving north/south. One such...

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A Baaaaa-d Hair Day

It’s time for a haircut for the Gulf Coast Sheep that roam the Greensward at Middleton Place. On Saturday, May 6 from 10am-3pm, the Plantation Stableyards will be the site of the annual shearing using traditional steel blade hand shears. Costumed interpreters will...

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Mug Shots

The following were taken from actual incident reports filed last week by the City of Charleston Police Department. These are not convictions and the names of businesses, complainants, and suspects have been left out to protect the innocent. All suspects are  innocent...

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Phoning It In

Two members of the West Ashley’s District 10 Constituent School Board attended a meeting last week on their phones. No, they weren’t glued to social media, they were literally calling-in to the meeting. Jennifer Osteen and Henry Copeland were present only...

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Mug Shots

The following were taken from actual incident reports filed last week by the City of Charleston Police Department. These are not convictions and the names of businesses, complainants, and suspects have been left out to protect the innocent. All suspects are  innocent...

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Protecting Ardmore

Ardmore, the West Ashley neighborhood better known for low-rent houses and higher crime, is fighting to change everyone’s perceptions of it. And just in time, too, because the white wave of gentrification is about to crash into it. Racially mixed and mostly poor,...

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