The following were taken from actual incident reports filed last week by the City of Charleston Police Department. These are not convictions and the names of businesses, complainants, and suspects have been left off to protect the innocent. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty, of course.
August 19 | Drugs, narcotics violation
Police responded to a disabled car with its engine hood up at the intersection of Glenn McConnell Parkway and 526. Noticing a smell of burnt marijuana, the officer asked the driver to explain. The driver said he had smoked some “weed” a few hours ago. A records check showed the driver had a warrant, and was arrested and taken to jail. During a strip search at the jail, officers found the man also had four plastic bags that contained 9 ounces of what tested positive for heroin, 6 grams of what appeared to be Ecstasy, and a small amount of methamphetamine.
August 19 | Breaking and entering
A woman returned to her Campion Hill Road home, opened the garage door, and then noticed the door to the kitchen was already open. The woman presumed she had left it open when she left earlier for work. But as she approached the door, she was able to see that her wall-mounted television set was missing, and she then backed out and called police. After making sure no one else was on the house, officers assisted the woman in determining that a laptop and five guns were missing. The woman didn’t know what kind of guns they were, as they had been her deceased father’s rifles, and could only describe them as “long” and with “wooden stocks.”
August 19 Simple assault
A Hazelwood Drive apartment woman told police that her former boyfriend and her had gotten into an argument and that it escalated to him slashing the tires of her car. When she attempted to walk to the complex’s office to call police, the boyfriend followed her and then pushed her into the office door, placing his hands on her throat. The manager inside saw the incident and began yelling they were calling the police. The man then fled on foot.
August 19 | Drugs, narcotics violation
Police began following a car after it began driving suspiciously along Wappoo Road. The car sped off, and then entered the back parking area of a nearby business, with the driver hopping out of the car and seemingly acting like he was using cleaning products in the trunk. A search of the car found nothing, and even the car’s window tint, though dark, was within legal ranges. But the officer spied the driver stuffing 3 grams into his mouth of what tested positive for marijuana. The driver was also apparently driving with a suspended license.
August 20 | Injured party
Staff at a retirement home on Ashley River Road reported a scuffle between two demented patients ending in one having a lump on the back of their heads. Staff said one patient had been “picking” on the other for several days, and was seen standing at the door of the other patients’ room before throwing a picture frame at the other patient, causing minor bleeding. The combative patient then entered the room and was soon seen falling backward, arms at their side, and hitting the floor with the back of their head. Both patients suffer from memory issues and could provide little input.
August 20 | Sexual assault, forcible rape
Police responded to a West Ashley family medicine office where a patient was being treated for an alleged earlier sexual assault.
August 20 | Criminal domestic violence
Police broke up an argument between two teen lovers that had turned violent on Sequoia Street. The boyfriend had allegedly hit his pregnant girlfriend with a skateboard while she held their child.