A Feast for the Eyes and Tastebuds
Sweatman’s Garden is as visually dazzling as it is delicious by Lorne Chambers | Editor The highly-anticipated Sweatman’s Garden has officially opened in South Windermere and it’s unlike anything we’ve seen in West Ashley. Charleston’s first sodary and fondue lounge...
2016 Fall Cookbook — The Breakfast Club
You’ve heard it said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But it also can be the most delicious. Yet it is often skipped over entirely or just becomes a part of the boring morning routine. So put that cereal spoon down and get ready to break out of...
Beer … It’s What’s For Brunch
For some strange reason, in certain circles, brunch has a bad rap. Whether it’s related to the girls from Sex in the City or another connection to hipsters in Brooklyn whiling away hours on the weekend taking photos of their food, who knows. Maybe it’s the...
Let the Celebrations Begin
With all the recent talk of the Munich Oktoberfest, one might have a craving for some delicious tawny, tasty lager. And the celebrations where this beer takes center stage seem to pop up all over the place, as there are more and more brew parties every year. The...
West Ashley Takes a Bite Out of the Big Apple
West Ashley will be well represented when a coterie of Lowcountry chefs host a special dinner at one of the most exclusive spots in New York City next week. A magnificent seven of culinary professionals will deliver a $175-a-seat Taste of Charleston event Tuesday...
Home Improvement
Home Team BBQ’s small expansion at the West Ashley location, 1205 Ashley River Road, is pretty much complete, just in time for fall football season. The expansion takes over the adjoining space that was formerly a hair salon and includes opening up the connecting wall...
Beer Week Comes West
As the nation’s craft beer industry grows exponentially, so has the local craft beer scene over the last few years. Charleston boast 14 production breweries (with 6 in planning), numerous craft beer-focused pubs and stores, and a population that is wanting more out of...
Autumn is Ale Time
A friend recently texted me to ask what would be a new beer he should try. I suggested that there were dozens of pumpkin ales as well as Oktoberfest lagers out now. He quickly replied that he liked neither: the taste of pumpkin was typically too odd and vegetable...
Right Up Your Alley
After decades of operating inside Charleston’s oldest bowling alley, Emma’s Lounge has closed and in it’s place a new restaurant and bar has opened by the Queen Street Hospitality group, the same folks that have brought you 82 Queen, Swig & Swine, and Lowcountry...
Brilliant Beer
While it’s not yet the first day of fall, no doubt you have seen signs of the next season in the store. Pumpkin beer, Oktoberfest, and a few other fall brews are already lining the shelves; some examples of these styles have been available since early August! Now,...
It's All Greek To Me
Greek and Roman histories are intertwined as much as their mythologies. And while Greece and Italy are only separated by the relatively narrow Ionian Sea, the two countries have taken different directions in terms of their wine and how the world perceives and receives...