Abigail Rajabi, a student at the Cosmetic Arts Institute in West Ashley, was recently named the 2015 student of the year in cosmetology for the state of South Carolina. Rajabi also won first place in cutting and styling for the State of South Carolina. Another Cosmetic Arts’ student, Raykhona Rakjoun, won second place in the styling competition.
Although Rajabi and Rakjoun have only been enrolled at Cosmetic Arts for only four short months what they’re lacking in longevity, they surely are making up for in talent. At the time of their competition, they had completed only a third of their requisite 1,500 hours and still excelled at the statewide competition.
Cosmetic Arts director, Nannette Saheb, is pleased to have the local girls win in such a short period of time but also says that she’s not surprised given their instructors, her husband, Cosmetic Art’s educational director Hassan Saheb and Rosemary Knabe.
The Sahebs have been successfully running a chain of salons, then schools and later competitions with the opening of Trend Benders Academy in 1984. In 2003, they opened Cosmetic Arts Institute in Walterboro and in 2014, they opened a branch campus of Cosmetic Arts Institute on Savannah Highway in West Ashley.
Cosmetic Arts Institute is located at 1131 Savannah Hwy. For more information, call (843) 549-8587 or visit www.cosmeticartsinstitute.com.