Just like every last Monday of the month of May, next week is Memorial Day. A chance to enjoy friends, food and family on a federal holiday. I want to give a heartfelt and sincere thank you to all the men and women who have served and especially to those that have given their lives so you and I can enjoy the freedoms we have as Americans.
This is an amazing country full of wonderful, pride filled individuals, so let’s not forget to give thanks to those who made this country great, and to respect those around us. At the end of the day, we’re all Americans. Let’s act like it.
That said, no doubt most of you will be heading to the beach, lake or even a backyard BBQ or two. And, if you’re like me, you will likely indulge in several beers. I’ll withhold my typical disdain for many of the macro-brews, and agree that, on a day when many will imbibe quite a few frosty brews, myself included, we need something light(er), low(er) alcohol, refreshing, crisp and cold. Even so, you need not resort to Miller/Bud/Coors Light.
Here are a few options that will not break the bank or the gut, will serve their purpose on your day off, and should taste better than those watery light beers. First off is Bohemia, considered a “Mexican Beer” it’s actually a long lost German Pilsener, and an easy and tasty one at that. Good with, get this, Mexican fare, also does well with most BBQ and grill foods, if nothing other than to wash it all down and finish crisp and dry. An even better German Pilsener from the US of A is Victory Brewing Company’s Prima Pils, maybe my favorite of the style, and both beers are 5.3 percent alcohol by volume (ABV).
Although it’s not yet summer, few brews quench as well on a hot day as a wheat beer. Of course, these can be creamy and thicker, so quantity is an issue. Look for an American Pale Wheat Ale, one that’s slightly lighter in body than the German originals, and with a bit more of a hop profile, for that tangy kick and finish.
Bell’s Oberon seems to have become the standard, but at 5.8 pecent ABV, it can catch up to you. Southern Tier’s Hop Sun is nearly as good, and only 4.9 percent ABV. Sam Adams Summer Ale is a decent substitution, but to me the ‘lemon zest’ addition can become annoying and to0 pungent. Under the radar is North Coast’s Blue Star, a tasty little American wheat beer that, at 4.5 percent ABV, works perfectly, while I’m also a fan of 80 Acre from Boulevard Brewing Co. too.
If you are similar to many of my friends, you prefer American hops and that classic citrus and pine taste that comes with endemic selections, so an IPA is your call. It will likely go down as the year (or 5) of the session IPA, and many of these will be the perfect pairing for your Memorial Day festivities. Typically this style rates at fewer than 5 percent ABV, so the name fits. In recent years, the session IPA has begun to rival its big brother for full hop flavor.
Excellent examples exist in Pinner from Oscar Blues, Down to Earth from 21st Amendment, Stone’s Go To, and yet, while tasty, I think the weakest but most prominent of the bunch is Founder’s All Day. As luck would have it, many of these little buddies come in 12-packs, so share with friends this Memorial Day and remember how great America is and always has been. Enjoy the brews … Cheers.
Gene’s Haufbrau has at more than 200 beers in bottles or on tap. While they don’t have every beer the Beer Snob writes about, they probably have most. Gene’s is located at 817 Savannah Hwy. 225-GENE. E-mail the Beer Snob at publisher@westof.net.