On Tuesday, June 16, the West Ashley Optimist Club of Charleston donated $500 to the Beads of Courage program at MUSC Children’s Hospital. Dr. Al Eads, past SC Optimist District governor and board member of West Ashley Optimist Club, joined Melissa Kubu, MUSC Manager of Volunteer and Guest Services, for the presentation. Melissa has been a part of the West Ashley Optimist Club for almost 15 years and she stated, “I’m proud of all the great work we do!”
As parents string their necklaces, they’re picking out individual beads to represent different milestones in their children’s treatments. For example, a yellow bead represents a night in the hospital and a red bead represents a transfusion. This program supports the Optimist International Childhood Cancer Campaign and Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
For more information about Beads of Courage or the West Ashley Optimist Club, visit www.facebook.com/pages/West-Ashley-Optimist-Club/284132525023667