A joint city-county planning work session for the Dupont/Wappoo area will be held next Tuesday-Thursday, June 9-11, at St. Andrews Middle School.
Officials from both levels of government will be on hand Tuesday, June 9, from 6-8 p.m. to kick-off a presentation on plans that could shape the area in the future. It is open to the public, and attendees will be able to take part in an interactive opportunity.
Officials will host an open house at the school from 4-7 p.m. the next two days, Wednesday and Thursday, June 10-11,where local residents can share their ideas with the planning team.
Daily work sessions for the officials, the planning team will discuss issues in more depth, like transportation, drainage, park space, land use, interconnectivity, commercial redevelopment, and design standards.
Two weeks later, on Tuesday, June 23, recommendations and plans for the Dupont/Wappoo Area will be presented from 6-8 p.m.
This event may mark the public’s first chance to meet Mandi Herring, the new West Ashley project manager for the city’s planning department.

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