In Dist. 7, Joe Johnston is challenging incumbent Keith Waring. Johnston is City of Charleston Fire Department captain with 32-years experience working for the city. Waring is a financial planner who has served on a host of local and regional boards.
INCUMBENT: Keith Waring
Elected in 2011, councilman Keith Waring serves on the Community Development License Committee, the Public Safety Committee, he is the chair of the Public Works and Utilities Committee, and vice chair of the Real Estate Committee. In the private sector, Waring serves on the board of the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce,  Roper St. Francis Hospital, and Wells Fargo National Bank.
CHALLENGER: Joe Johnston
A captain with the City of Charleston Fire Department, Joe Johnston has lived in West Ashley for more than 20 years. He is running behind the issues of completing Interstate 526, creating an extensive growth management plan for future growth, revitalizing the Citadel Mall, and enhance police and fire department safety programs for the West Ashley area.

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