On Saturday, Jan. 25, the Parent University of the Charleston County School District will hold the fifth annual “From Boys to Gentlemen Summit: Raising Successful Sons in the 21st Century” at West Ashley High School. This unique district-wide event will include panelists, speakers and workshops for male students and their parents from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Speakers of note during the Summit include:

  • Byron V. Garrett, Chairman of the National Family Engagement Alliance, Former CEO of the National PTA, and author of the critically acclaimed The ABCs of Life, who will be featured as the keynote speaker.
  • Assistant Chief of Police Reginald Burgess
  • Reverend Leonard Griffin
  • State Senator Marlon Kimpson
  • Lt. Col. Robert Pickering
  • Paul Stoney
  • Dr. Virgil Alfaro

A Resource Fair will also be held during the event, which will provide information and resources on regional colleges and universities, and a structured Children’s Program will be provided for children ages 4-12. Additionally, a Boys Academy program will take place for male students in grades K – 12 with special speakers, panels and workshops.
This event is free and open to any Charleston County School District parent. West Ashley High School is located at 4060 W. Wildcat Blvd. For more information can be found online at ccsdparentuniversity.com.

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