Today is the 19th day of a 21 day cleanse I’ve been doing along with my husband. I can’t believe it is almost over. On Day 1, 21 days seemed daunting. But to my surprise, sticking with it was easier than I anticipated. The concept of the cleanse is that it takes 21 days to form a habit; therefore, by the end of the cleanse one will hopefully have established new, healthy habits.
This cleanse was created by my good friend and health coach Lauren Fuqua of Balance and Nourish. She offers a three-week cleanse throughout the year. The first time she mentioned it to me, I was incapable of believing I could sustain a cleanse for a week, much less three. But, as time wore on, and Lauren encouraged me, I started to believe I could do it. So, what does this cleanse entail? The basics with regard to food are no gluten, no dairy, no sugar, and no alcohol. Were we perfect? No. Were we pretty darn good? Yes.
The truth is, we had a few social occasions that we allowed ourselves to cheat. The first was a dinner party with my uncle and his partner and their good friends. To my surprise and delight, my uncles got engaged at this very dinner party and are going to get married in New York. The party was worth every calorie and sip of champagne! Next, was the wedding of a childhood friend.
This brings me to the other aspects of the cleanse. It isn’t just about food. It’s about putting your whole life in balance. Your social life, friends, and family are important aspects to health and happiness. And often, social situations do center around food and alcohol. The cleanse helps you navigate the murky waters of socializing, travel, and everyday hectic life all while making healthier choices.
Luckily, Lauren was always only a text or phone call away and believe me, did I take advantage of that! On a work trip to Denver, I texted at 10 p.m. at night for moral support to avoid eating the free dessert the hotel sent to my room to welcome me. On my work trip to Sioux Falls, S.D. this past week, she helped me decipher a tricky menu and pick the best items for me. On my one-on-one meetings with her, we came up with strategies for my weaknesses, exercise goals, and shared successes.
So, what did I get out of it? A new way of looking at food and a new attitude about socializing. My husband and I both want to stick with the “diet” and think of it more as our new lifestyle. I’ve realized I’m allergic to dairy. I’m 33 years old and never knew until this elimination diet! I have felt fantastic, even waking up before my alarm goes off and jumping out of bed. If you know me, you know I NEVER do that! And, the added bonus of weight loss doesn’t hurt! I’ve learned it’s not about being perfect. It’s just about being your best you.
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