Genre-Bending Hip-Hop

Golden era hip-hop roots planted in black Iowa dirt, tempered by ’90s alternative era rock influence, yields a juxtaposition of the dark, horrific nature of life paired with a slapstick and comedic view of the world. It allows for a wide, unpredictable arsenal of...

As Seasons Change, So Do Menus

In 2006, the choice to put a restaurant joint in an old service station at the corner of Magnolia Road and Savannah Highway was a bit of a gamble. Since then, Avondale has blossomed and Triangle Char & Bar has become the heart of the neighborhood’s trendiest...

Pale Ales, Pale Ales Everywhere

It all began with British pale ale, which is actually the beer style known as bitter, along with the related sub-styles of premium bitter and extra special bitter (ESB) or strong bitter. These were and are the English pale ales. And, in strength, they could be as low...

Sanford Takes Lead On Healthcare

  The Affordable Care Act (ACA), commonly known as Obamacare, was passed in March 2010 without a single Republican vote in the House or Senate. The legislation was controversial because it required all American households to purchase medical insurance. The...

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